Writing Samples


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Throughout her deep career in advertising, marketing, and public relations, Sue has written and published hundreds of articles in the news and trade media. She has also crafted company newsletters, presented to large audiences in the HR and AEC spaces, and designed marketing presentations for her own companies.

Sue has a knack for understanding the voice of any client brand and writing to its specific audience. Whether the voice of an exclusive architecture firm, the jargon of a construction crew, or a softer, personal tone as she uses in her own book and the blog on this site, Sue makes the effort to throughly understand the brand and audience she is writing for.

Here are a few of Sue’s writing samples:



Sue-Rose-Public-Relations-ESA-Sweet-Deal-at-Ovid-Demolition_SUE Byline-May-June-2017


Here is Sue’s book on Amazon.

Blog post from this website, written while I lived alone off the grid for over 4 months.

Another blog post: https://suerosemosaic.com/2018/07/

And Another: https://suerosemosaic.com/my-charmed-life-found-me-finally/