My Office-in-the-Woods


My trip through our country’s most beautiful western places is also a working trip. I plan to write at least four hours, four days a week, which will leave three for hiking, visiting special friends, picking up a game of pickleball when available, and outrunning bears.

Even though I don’t have an RV or even a converted van, I’m feeling Class Act with my equipment. I’m not taking much, but I will be very comfortable. I made the decision to buy the best when choosing gear. I also had to take into consideration my size ( 5’1 ½ “) and the fact that I am not going to use my back seat and trunk area for storage. Take a look at the book, Essentialism – The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, and you’ll understand my mindset!

Have you ever tried to do your work on a laptop outside when it’s sunny? It’s heartbreaking. You just can’t see the screen. This shelter gives me a solid roof and four screen walls, so I can see my computer screen clearly while the birds and critters keep me company—and the bugs won’t break my focus. I’ll probably write by lantern-light after dark too.

Launch day is less than a month away, and when my Office-in-the-Woods arrived, my heart sank. Instructions say you need at least two people to set it up. Thankfully, my friend Sun King spent an hour with me figuring out a way I can do it alone.

If you’re crazy enough to venture out on your own, this video will help. I’m ignoring the manufacturer’s instructions, so take my advice at your own risk!

Clam offers larger versions, but for me, a minimalist with negligible storage space, the 6’x6’-is perfect. I’ll sit at my camp table and write to my heart’s content—and for early wake-up time when I’m waiting for the cowboy coffee water to boil, I’ll have plenty of space inside to do my morning yoga. Saa-weeet!

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That was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen-I was crying!!! I knew you could do it! I’m excited for your trip-please blog! Xoxo

Deb, I am going crazy trying to figure out why the email notification is not working. If you ever get an email saying that I’ve posted a new blog, please tell me! Also, your comment is the only one I’ve found on the backend of my site, even though I received lots of messages via sign-up emails. Did you comment in another place?