Don’t Give Up on Love.

“Don’t ever give up on love,” said Underworld Traveler, my old friend and esteemed shaman, who I visited and journeyed with a few weeks ago. His beautiful partner, Minister of Song, drummed with him – two drums, not one – a magnificent multi-dimensional sound to assist my journey.

I won’t. Give up on love, that is. I have needs, yes. But they are simple: Security, Love, Freedom. Love should come first, but when I was asked the question a few years back, “What do you want?” That’s what I came up with spontaneously. It holds true today, as I sit inside my Sparky, trapped in with a fly, afraid to exit the car because of the presence of Mountain Lion Superior.

MLP showed up in my camp last night and it was a chill-to-my-bones experience. I heard her gobble up a wild turkey and then take down a deer—all within 50 yards of me, myself, and Sparky. I hustled out of there as soon as I could gather the courage to exit my screen tent. That was an imaginary barrier between it and me, of course—but unzipping the door and making my way to Sparky was really a challenge.

Back to Love. I won’t live without it. And Freedom! Ahh! I must have my freedom. This means nothing in particular, but everything to me.